In a10kV distribution system,when shunt ca-pacitors are switched off by vacuum circuit breakers,restrike overvoltage often occurs.
Circuit breakers kick in to halt trading when stocks dive too far too fast.
Most houses built after 1990 are wired through a circuit breaker.
The Dow dropped so far so fast yesterday that a circuit breaker kicked in.
And every analyst I've spoken to says Bernardo Arevalo has the chance to be a circuit breaker.
The market decided to put in place various circuit breakers so that trading would be slowed.
The windshield suddenly had electrical arcing. We need to pull the circuit breakers and delay the approach.
515. 风挡突然出现电弧,我们需要拔跳开关并延迟进。
The securities authority said it will modify the rules for the circuit breaker according to actual situations.
Authorities in charge of the mainland's stock exchanges are now seeking public opinion on an index circuit breaker system.
If there's too much power, too much force coming down the pipe the circuit breaker kicks in and everything stops.
We had to go around due pilot seat moving. We'll try to reset the circuit breaker before making another approach.
517. 刚才复飞是由于驾驶员座椅自己移动,我们得先试着复位椅子的跳开关再进。
Investors will be watching anxiously when China's main stock exchange reopens in a few hours'time without its circuit breaker safety mechanism.
In most modern buildings and houses, there are what are called " circuit breakers."
大多数现代建筑和房屋中, 都有所谓的“断路器” 。
We had electrical arcing on the windshield and pulled the circuit breakers according to the checklist. Will advise when ready for approach.
577. 我们的风挡刚才有电弧,根据检查单我们拔跳开关。我们准备好进时将告知你们。
Now, the house I live in now has these new switches called " circuit breakers."
现,我住的房子现有这些称为“断路器” 的新开关。
Nowadays, they use things that are called " circuit breakers, " which are just basically switches.
[Michael] The shuttle had over 2,000 switches and circuit breakers in the vehicle and designed in the 70s.
- [Michael] 穿梭机上有 2,000 多个开关和断路器,设计于 70 年代。
577. We had electrical arcing on the windshield and pulled the circuit breakers according to the checklist.
Safety systems in vehicles, such as automated circuit breakers which isolate the battery in the EVent of a crash, also need to be upgraded.
I'm in favor of the 'circuit breaker' mechanism but the government implementing it on the first day, it's kind of like testing the market.
So this was a big reason why there was a sell off in the U.S. stock market yesterday and that triggered the circuit breaker.